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Running Talos on OpenStack Flex


As developers, we're constantly seeking platforms that streamline our workflows and enhance the performance and reliability of our applications. Talos is a container optimized Linux distribution reimagined for distributed systems. Designed with minimalism and practicality in mind, Talos brings a host of features that are particularly advantageous for OpenStack environments. By stripping away unnecessary components, it embodies minimalism, reducing the attack surface and resource consumption. It comes secure by default, providing out-of-the-box secure configurations that alleviate the need for extensive hardening.

Integrating Talos with OpenStack Flex brings significant benefits. The immutable and minimal nature of Talos ensures that all compute nodes in the OpenStack cluster are consistent, reducing the chances of unexpected behavior due to environmental differences and thus enhancing consistency and reliability. When OpenStack Flex and Talos are combined, it creates an optimal environment for developers. Talos's ephemeral and atomic nature makes scaling out compute resources in OpenStack Flex seamless and efficient, enhancing scalability. The combination ensures high availability and quick recovery from failures, as Talos's design simplifies node replacement and recovery, thereby improving resiliency.

In essence, Talos offers more by providing less—less complexity, less overhead, and fewer security concerns. This minimalistic yet powerful approach enhances security, efficiency, resiliency, and consistency. For developers working with OpenStack and specifically OpenStack Flex, Talos presents a compelling operating system choice that aligns perfectly with the goals of modern open infrastructure native applications.

Creating a cluster via the CLI on OpenStack

In this guide, we will create an HA Kubernetes cluster in OpenStack with 3 worker nodes. We will assume some existing familiarity with OpenStack. For more information on OpenStack specifics, please see the official OpenStack documentation.

flowchart TD
    A(((Internet))) --> B@{ shape: hex, label: "Router" }
    B --> TN[ Network] --> NS@{ shape: tag-rect, label: "Subnetwork" }
    NC@{ shape: braces, label: "Optional: Floating IP/Port(s)" } --> C
    NS --> C{Loadbalancer}
    NS --> X[Jump 0]
    JC@{ shape: braces, label: "Floating IP" } --> X
    C -->D[Controller 0]
    D <--> G[Worker 0]
    D <--> H[Worker 1]
    D <--> I[Worker 2]
    C -->E[Controller 1]
    E <--> G[Worker 0]
    E <--> H[Worker 1]
    E <--> I[Worker 2]
    C -->F[Controller 2]
    F <--> G[Worker 0]
    F <--> H[Worker 1]
    F <--> I[Worker 2]
    X <--> D
    X <--> E
    X <--> F

Environment Setup

This blog post was written with the following environment assumptions already existing

  • Router: tenant-router
  • Network: tenant-net
  • Subnet: tenant-subnet
  • Key Pair: tenant-key

If the project isn't setup completly, checkout the getting started guide.

All of the tenant items used within this post can be replaced with individual values.

The openstack client is assumed to be setup with a functional clouds.yaml file to interact with the cloud. This file will provide the necessary config to talk to with OpenStack Flex. Additional instructions on setting up the the OpenStack client can be found here.

Network Infrastructure

The network setup will cover the creation of a router, network, subnet, load balancer, and ports.

Creating loadbalancer

The OpenStack Flex Loadbalancer used for this environment is a Layer 4 TCP load balancer powered by the OVN loadbalancer solution. The Loadbalancer will be used to distribute traffic to the control plane nodes.

Check the loadbalancer providers available within the environment

openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer provider list

Create load balancer, updating vip-subnet-id if necessary

openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer create --provider ovn \
                                                 --name talos-control-plane \
                                                 --vip-subnet-id  tenant-subnet

Store the load balancer ID for later use

LB_ID=$(openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer show talos-control-plane -f value -c id)

Create listener

openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer listener create --name talos-control-plane-listener \
                                                          --protocol TCP \
                                                          --protocol-port 6443 talos-control-plane

Create Pool

openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer pool create --name talos-control-plane-pool \
                                                      --lb-algorithm SOURCE_IP_PORT \
                                                      --listener talos-control-plane-listener \
                                                      --protocol TCP

Create health monitoring

openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer healthmonitor create \
                    --delay 5 \
                    --max-retries 4 \
                    --timeout 10 \
                    --type TCP talos-control-plane-pool

Retrieve the VIP for the load balancer

export LB_PRIVATE_VIP=$(openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer show talos-control-plane -f json | jq -r .vip_address)

Create the Image

First, download the OpenStack image from a Talos Image Factory.

At the time of this writing the latest image was 1.8.2


The image comes pre-bundled with the following extensions

Extension Description
siderolabs/iscsi-tools iSCSI tools for Talos
siderolabs/qemu-guest-agent QEMU Guest Agent for Talos
siderolabs/util-linux-tools Util Linux tools for Talos

Once the image is downloaded, decompress the file.

xz --decompress -v openstack-amd64.raw.xz

After decompressing the file downloaded, the command will result in a raw image file named, openstack-amd64.raw.

Upload the Image

Once the image is downloaded, upload it to OpenStack with the following command.

openstack --os-cloud default image create \
        --progress \
        --disk-format raw \
        --container-format bare \
        --file openstack-amd64.raw \
        --property hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled=true \
        --property hw_qemu_guest_agent=yes \
        --property hypervisor_type=kvm \
        --property img_config_drive=optional \
        --property hw_machine_type=q35 \
        --property hw_firmware_type=uefi \
        --property os_require_quiesce=yes \
        --property os_type=linux \
        --property os_admin_user=talos \
        --property os_distro=talos \
        --property os_version=18.2 \
        --tag "siderolabs/iscsi-tools" \
        --tag "siderolabs/util-linux-tools" \
        --tag "siderolabs/qemu-guest-agent" \

This command will prepare the image to run in a KVM environment, with UEFI firmware, and the Talos operating system. The image will be named talos-18.2. For a full overview of how we are constructing our image metadata, see our OpenStack Image documentation for more information.

Security Groups

Security groups allow operators to control the traffic to and from an instances. We will create two security groups, one for the tenant and one for the Talos control plane.

Create a tenant security group

Be sure that the tenant security group, tenant-secgroup is permiting SSH traffic, this will be important for the jump host.

openstack --os-cloud default security group create tenant-secgroup

Add an SSH rule to the security group, allowing traffic from anywhere.

openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create tenant-secgroup \
                     --protocol tcp \
                     --ingress \
                     --remote-ip \
                     --dst-port 22

Create a Talos control plane security group

Create a Talos security group, this talos-secgroup will be used to permit Talos control plane and kubernetes traffic within the cluster.

openstack --os-cloud default security group create talos-secgroup

The security group will be used to permit traffic to the control plane nodes. We will open the following ports:

Port Direction Value
Talos control plane Ingress 50000
Talos workers Ingress 50001
Kubernetes API Ingress 6443

The security group will be used to permit traffic to the control plane nodes. We will open the following ports:

openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 6443 talos-secgroup
openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 50000 talos-secgroup
openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 50001 talos-secgroup
openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp talos-secgroup
openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol udp talos-secgroup

Additional rules can be added as needed. Refer to the Talos Network Connectivity documentation for more information on additional ports and protocols that may be needed for the environment.

Network Ports

Creating the network ports allows us to use IP addresses for the control plane and jump nodes in a deterministic way. These ports will have our security groups attached and will be used to associate floating IPs.

export JUMP_0=$(openstack --os-cloud default port create --security-group tenant-secgroup --security-group talos-secgroup --network tenant-net jump-0 -f json | jq -r '.fixed_ips[0].ip_address')
export CONTROLLER_0=$(openstack --os-cloud default port create --security-group talos-secgroup --network tenant-net talos-control-plane-0 -f json | jq -r '.fixed_ips[0].ip_address')
export CONTROLLER_1=$(openstack --os-cloud default port create --security-group talos-secgroup --network tenant-net talos-control-plane-1 -f json | jq -r '.fixed_ips[0].ip_address')
export CONTROLLER_2=$(openstack --os-cloud default port create --security-group talos-secgroup --network tenant-net talos-control-plane-2 -f json | jq -r '.fixed_ips[0].ip_address')


The jump-0 port has both the tenant-secgroup and talos-secgroup security groups. The control plane ports have only the talos-secgroup security group.

The above commands will store the port IP addresses in the variables JUMP_0, CONTROLLER_0, CONTROLLER_1, and CONTROLLER_2. These variables will be used in the next step. Validate the variables are defined and have the correct values by running echo $JUMP_0 $CONTROLLER_0 $CONTROLLER_1 $CONTROLLER_2.

Associate port’s private IPs to loadbalancer

Create the loadbalancer members for each port IP.

openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer member create --subnet-id tenant-subnet --address ${CONTROLLER_0} --protocol-port 6443 talos-control-plane-pool
openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer member create --subnet-id tenant-subnet --address ${CONTROLLER_1} --protocol-port 6443 talos-control-plane-pool
openstack --os-cloud default loadbalancer member create --subnet-id tenant-subnet --address ${CONTROLLER_2} --protocol-port 6443 talos-control-plane-pool

Associate floating IPs to the jump-0 port

Create a floating IP for the jump host.

openstack --os-cloud default floating ip create --port jump-0 PUBLICNET

Retrieve the floating IP for the jump host.

export JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP=$(openstack --os-cloud default floating ip list --fixed-ip-address $JUMP_0 -f json | jq -r '.[0]."Floating IP Address"')

(Optional) Controller floating IPs

This setup is making the assumption that the talosctl command will be executed from the jump host. If the talosctl command will be executed from outside the Jump host, floating IPs will be needed for the controller nodes.

Create a floating IP for the load balancer.

openstack --os-cloud default floating ip create --port ovn-lb-vip-${LB_ID} PUBLICNET

Retrieve the VIP for the load balancer.

export LB_PUBLIC_VIP=$(openstack --os-cloud default floating ip list --fixed-ip-address ${LB_PRIVATE_VIP} -f json | jq -r '.[0]."Floating IP Address"')
openstack --os-cloud default floating ip create --port talos-control-plane-0 PUBLICNET
openstack --os-cloud default floating ip create --port talos-control-plane-1 PUBLICNET
openstack --os-cloud default floating ip create --port talos-control-plane-2 PUBLICNET

Build the Jump Host

The jump host will be used to interact with the Talos cluster. We will use the floating IP we created earlier to access the jump host.

openstack --os-cloud default server create jump-0 --flavor gp.0.1.2 \
                                                  --nic port-id=jump-0 \
                                                  --image Debian-12 \
                                                  --key-name tenant-key

Login to the jump host and install talosctl.

ssh debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP} 'curl -sL | sh'


See the Talos install documentation for more information on installing talosctl.

Cluster Configuration

With our networking deployed, and the jump host online fetch the IP for our OVN Loadbalancer.

Generate the configuration.

# If a floating IP was created for the load balancer, use the LB_PUBLIC_VIP otherwise use the LB_PRIVATE_VIP
ssh debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP} "talosctl gen config talos-k8s-openstack https://${LB_PRIVATE_VIP}:6443"

Upon the completion of this command the local directory will contain a talosconfig, controlplane.yaml, worker.yaml files. This file will be used to interact with the Talos cluster.

Retrieve these files from the jump host to the machine running the OpenStack CLI.

scp debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP}:talosconfig .
scp debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP}:controlplane.yaml .
scp debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP}:worker.yaml .

Server Creation

To build the Talos cluster, we will create the control plane nodes and worker nodes. We will use the controlplane.yaml and worker.yaml files we retrieved from the jump host.

Create control plane nodes

The following command will create 3 control plane nodes. Adjust the number of control plane nodes by changing the seq range. The flavor used for the control plane nodes is gp.0.2.4 which will provide the controllers with 2 vCPUs, 4GB of RAM.


Depeding on where the command is executed from, the controlplane.yaml file may need to be retrieved from the jump host.

for i in $(seq 0 1 2); do
  openstack --os-cloud default server create \
                       talos-control-plane-$i \
                       --flavor gp.0.2.4 \
                       --nic port-id=talos-control-plane-$i \
                       --image talos-18.2 \
                       --key-name tenant-key \
                       --user-data controlplane.yaml

Create worker nodes

The following command will create 3 worker nodes. Adjust the number of control plane nodes by changing the seq range. The flavor used for the control plane nodes is gp.0.2.4 which will provide the workers with 2 vCPUs, 4GB of RAM.


Depending on where the command is executed from, the worker.yaml file may need to be retrieved from the jump host.

for i in $(seq 0 1 2); do
    openstack --os-cloud default server create \
                         talos-worker-$i \
                         --flavor gp.0.2.4 \
                         --network tenant-net \
                         --image talos-18.2 \
                         --key-name tenant-key \
                         --security-group talos-secgroup \
                         --user-data worker.yaml


Adding more workers later, will follow this same pattern.

Talos Cluster

At this point we'll have a fully constructed environment that looks like this

OpenStack Topology

The cluster will consist of 3 control plane nodes and 3 worker nodes. The control plane nodes will be behind the OVN Loadbalancer and the worker nodes will be on the tenant-net network. The jump host will be accessible via the floating IP we created earlier. The project is setup with security groups and ports to allow traffic to the control plane nodes and jump host and permit the environment to be rebuilt in a fully reproducible manner.

With the cluster online, we can now interact with the cluster using talosctl.

Bootstrap Etcd

It is now time to bootstrap the cluster. The following commands will be executed from the jump host.

Set the endpoints and nodes

Within the talosconfig file, set the one endpoint and and node.

ssh debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP} "talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig config endpoint ${CONTROLLER_0}"
ssh debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP} "talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig config node ${CONTROLLER_0}"

Bootstrap etcd

Run the bootstrap command to start the cluster.

ssh debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP} "talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig bootstrap"

The bootstrap command will take a few minutes to complete. Once the command has completed, check the status of the cluster.

ssh debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP} "talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig service"

The output should look something like this

NODE         SERVICE      STATE     HEALTH   LAST CHANGE   LAST EVENT   apid         Running   OK       5m0s ago      Health check successful   containerd   Running   OK       5m4s ago      Health check successful   cri          Running   OK       5m0s ago      Health check successful   dashboard    Running   ?        5m2s ago      Process Process(["/sbin/dashboard"]) started with PID 2169   etcd         Running   OK       3m34s ago     Health check successful   kubelet      Running   OK       4m53s ago     Health check successful   machined     Running   OK       5m4s ago      Health check successful   syslogd      Running   OK       5m3s ago      Health check successful   trustd       Running   OK       5m0s ago      Health check successful   udevd        Running   OK       5m3s ago      Health check successful

The cluster will also have all the membership information, which can be viewed with the following command.

talosctl --talosconfig ./talosconfig get members

The output should look something like this

NODE         NAMESPACE   TYPE     ID                      VERSION   HOSTNAME                          MACHINE TYPE   OS               ADDRESSES   cluster     Member   talos-control-plane-0   19        talos-control-plane-0.novalocal   controlplane   Talos (v1.8.2)   [""]   cluster     Member   talos-control-plane-1   15        talos-control-plane-1.novalocal   controlplane   Talos (v1.8.2)   [""]   cluster     Member   talos-control-plane-2   12        talos-control-plane-2.novalocal   controlplane   Talos (v1.8.2)   [""]   cluster     Member   talos-worker-0          6         talos-worker-0.novalocal          worker         Talos (v1.8.2)   [""]   cluster     Member   talos-worker-1          2         talos-worker-1.novalocal          worker         Talos (v1.8.2)   [""]   cluster     Member   talos-worker-2          5         talos-worker-2.novalocal          worker         Talos (v1.8.2)   [""]

Setup the Kubernetes Config

With the cluster bootstrapped, we can now setup the Kubernetes configuration and begin interacting with the environment.

At this stage login to the jump host and install the kubectl binary.

ssh debian@${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP}

Install the kubectl binary

Install the kubectl binary is optional, but an easy way to interact with Talos Kubernetes environment now that it is deployed.

curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"

Move the binary to a location in within the $PATH.

sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Retrieve the admin kubeconfig

At this point we can retrieve the admin kubeconfig by running

talosctl --talosconfig talosconfig kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Check the Kubernetes Nodes

With the kubeconfig in place, check the nodes in the cluster.

kubectl get nodes

The output should look something like this

NAME                    STATUS   ROLES           AGE    VERSION
talos-control-plane-0   Ready    control-plane   2m6s   v1.31.2
talos-control-plane-1   Ready    control-plane   2m2s   v1.31.2
talos-control-plane-2   Ready    control-plane   2m5s   v1.31.2
talos-worker-0          Ready    <none>          118s   v1.31.2
talos-worker-1          Ready    <none>          112s   v1.31.2
talos-worker-2          Ready    <none>          112s   v1.31.2

Assuming the output of the command is matching expectations for the deployment, it is safe to assume the Talos cluster on OpenStack Flex is ready for work.


To recap, this blog post has outlined the steps to deploy a Talos cluster on OpenStack Flex. The cluster consisted of three control plane nodes and three worker nodes. We created the necessary network infrastructure, security groups, and ports to support the cluster. We then built the jump host and retrieved the necessary configuration files to interact with the cluster. We bootstrapped the cluster using talosctl. Finally, we retrieved the admin kubeconfig and installed the kubectl binary to interact with the cluster.

Talos is a powerful operating system that is well-suited for OpenStack Flex environments. By combining the minimalistic and secure nature of Talos with the flexibility and scalability of OpenStack Flex, operators and administrators can create a robust and reliable infrastructure for applications. With the steps outlined in this guide, admins can easily deploy a Talos clusters on OpenStack Flex and take advantage of the benefits that both platforms have to offer. Whether running a small environment or a large production system, Talos and OpenStack Flex provide the tools needec to build and manage infrastructure effectively.