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Kustomize: Using environment variables for configuration

Kustomize is a widely used tool for Kuberenetes config management that provides a template free way to change your manifests during application deployment. It uses a kustomization.yaml file to define the actions taken during the build process. The file itself can be seen a collection of optional ordered processes: resources, generators, transformers, validators, configMapGenerator, patches and so on.

We wont dive too deep into these but look at a specific way of using the transformer property to use configuration values (as environment variables) from a file to drive your configuration.

Fortify Your Kubernetes Clusters: Encrypting Secrets with Sealed-Secrets


In today's cloud-native world, Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration. Kubernetes secrets are essential for storing sensitive data like passwords, API keys, and database credentials for workloads running on Kubernetes clusters.

However, many teams encounter a common issue while interacting with Kubernetes secrets:

  • The inadvertent exposure of the sensitive secrets when stored in version control systems.
  • Kubernetes secrets are base64 encoded. Base64 encoding can be easily decoded, leading to significant security vulnerabilities, including unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

To address this issue, various solutions exist, but in this blog, we will focus on one: sealed-secrets.

We will walk through a practical example of how to use sealed-secrets to secure your Kubernetes secrets, ensuring they are both version-controlled and protected.

Choosing Your Kubernetes Guardian: Ingress Controllers, Envoy GatewayAPI, or Istio?


In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud-native applications, effectively managing traffic within a Kubernetes cluster is essential for optimizing performance, enhancing security, and achieving scalability. Several popular solutions have emerged to address these challenges, including Envoy, Envoy GatewayAPI, Ingress Controllers, and Istio. However, users often face confusion when deciding which solution best suits their specific use cases. In this blog post, we will explore the differences and similarities assisting you in selecting the optimal tool based on your requirements.