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Running Teleport Cluster on OpenStack Flex

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Teleport is a modern security gateway for remotely accessing clusters of Linux servers via SSH or Kubernetes. In this guide, we will walk through deploying Teleport on an OpenStack Flex instance. As operators, we will need to create a new instance, install the Teleport software, and configure the service to run on the instance. This setup will allow us to access the Teleport web interface and create new users and roles, and manage access to the instance. The intent of this guide is to provide a simple example of how to deploy Teleport on an OpenStack Flex instance.


This guide assumes there is an operational Kubernetes cluster running on OpenStack Flex. To support this requirement, this guide will assume that the Kubernetes cluster is running following the Talos guide, which can be found here.

This guide also assumes that have metallb deployed on the Kubernetes cluster. If do not have metallb deployed, please refer to the Running MetalLB on OpenStack Flex guide. This guide will use the metallb service to route traffic to the Teleport service.

All operations will start from our Jump Host, which is a Debian instance running on OpenStack Flex adjacent to the Talos cluster. The Jump Host will be used to deploy Teleport to our Kubernetes cluster using Helm.


The jump host referenced within this guide will use the following variable, ${JUMP_PUBLIC_VIP}, which is assumed to contain the public IP address of the node.


Before we begin, we need to ensure that we have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An OpenStack Flex project with a Kubernetes cluster
  • A working knowledge of Kubernetes
  • A working knowledge of Helm
  • A working knowledge of OpenStack Flex
  • A working knowledge of PostgreSQL
  • A working knowledge of Teleport


This guide is using Teleport 16.4.6, and the instructions may vary for other versions. Check the Teleport documentation for the most up-to-date information on current releases.

Generate EC2 credentials

The following credentials will be used to authenticate the Teleport service to the S3 API provided by OpenStack Flex Object Storage.

openstack --os-cloud default ec2 credentials create

The output should look similar to the following

| Field      | Value                            |
| access     | ACCESS                           |
| links      | {}                               |
| project_id | PROJECT_ID                       |
| secret     | SECRET                           |
| trust_id   | None                             |
| user_id    | USER_ID                          |

Create an aws-config file.

cat > ~/aws-config <<EOF
endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint

[profile default]
region = sjc3
s3 =
  endpoint_url =
  signature_version = s3v4
s3api =
  endpoint_url =

Create an aws-credentials file. Be sure to replace ACCESS and SECRET with the values from the previous command.

cat > ~/aws-credentials <<EOF
aws_access_key_id = ACCESS
aws_secret_access_key = SECRET

Create the Teleport Object Storage Bucket

This command, while using the openstack client, will create a new container in the Object Storage service. This container will be used to store the Teleport audit logs which will be used with the S3 compatible API.

openstack --os-cloud default container create teleport-audit

Security Group Setup

Ensure the project has a Security Group in place to allow traffic to our Teleport service. To create a Security Group, we will use the OpenStack CLI. Teleport will be using TLS Routing and will require the following ports to be open

Create a Talos security group, this teleport-secgroup will be used to permit Talos control plane and kubernetes traffic within the cluster.

openstack --os-cloud default security group create teleport-secgroup

The security group will be used to permit traffic to the control plane nodes. We will open the following ports:

Port Protocol Description
443 TCP TLS Port
3080 TCP APLN Port

The security group will be used to permit traffic to the control plane nodes. We will open the following ports:

openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 443 teleport-secgroup
openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp --dst-port 3080 teleport-secgroup
openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol tcp teleport-secgroup
openstack --os-cloud default security group rule create --ingress --protocol udp teleport-secgroup

Additional rules can be added as needed for the environment. Refer to the Teleport Network Connectivity documentation for more information on additional ports and protocols that may be needed for the environment.

Add worker nodes to the security group

The security group will need to be added to the worker nodes to allow traffic to the Teleport service.

WORKER_0_PORT_ID=$(openstack --os-cloud default port list --server  talos-worker-0 -f value -c id)
openstack --os-cloud default port set --security-group teleport-secgroup ${WORKER_0_PORT_ID}

WORKER_1_PORT_ID=$(openstack --os-cloud default port list --server  talos-worker-1 -f value -c id)
openstack --os-cloud default port set --security-group teleport-secgroup ${WORKER_1_PORT_ID}

WORKER_2_PORT_ID=$(openstack --os-cloud default port list --server talos-worker-2 -f value -c id)
openstack --os-cloud default port set --security-group teleport-secgroup ${WORKER_2_PORT_ID}

Show the server details to verify the security group has been added.

openstack --os-cloud default server show talos-worker-0

Server output showing the security groups

| security_groups                     | name='talos-secgroup'      |
|                                     | name='teleport-secgroup'   |

Deploying Teleport

To deploy Teleport, we will use Helm. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows us to define, install, and manage applications on our Kubernetes cluster. To install Helm, follow the instructions here.

Installing Helm

curl | bash

Upon completion, Helm will be installed on the Jump Host.

Add the Teleport Helm Repository

helm repo add teleport

Now update the repository:

helm repo update

Create a new namespace for the Teleport cluster

kubectl create namespace teleport-cluster

Set the namespace security policy.

kubectl label --overwrite namespace teleport-cluster \ \ \ \ \ \

Prepare the Database

Teleport requires a PostgreSQL database to store its configuration and audit logs. In this guide, we will use the Crunchy Postgres operator to deploy a Postgres cluster to our Kubernetes cluster. This guide will leverage the Crunchty Postgres database deployment post to provide for the database needs.

This section will assume the Crunchy Postgres Operator is running. The following examples will cover how to deploy a new Postgres Cluster within the teleport-cluster namespace using the online operator.

Create a new postgres cluster valules file which will be used to execute the helm based deployment.


instanceReplicas: 3
name: teleport-db
instanceSize: 2Gi
  - name: teleport
      - teleport_backend
      - teleport_audit

Create a new secrete for the db user, teleport


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: teleport-db-pguser-teleport
  labels: teleport-db teleport
  password: secrete  # replace with a real password
kubectl --namespace teleport-cluster apply -f ~/teleport-db-secret.yaml

Run the deployment

the helm command expect to be run from the crunchy postgres examples directory

helm upgrade --install --namespace teleport-cluster teleport-db helm/postgres \
             -f ~/teleport-db-values.yaml

Create the Teleport Cluster Secrets

Create a kubernetes secret for the AWS credentials.

kubectl --namespace teleport-cluster create secret generic aws-credentials \
        --from-file=credentials=aws-credentials \

Create the Teleport Cluster configuration

The following is an example of a Teleport configuration file. This file will be used to deploy the Teleport cluster using Helm. The configuration file will be used to define the cluster name, the DB connection string, and the S3 object storage URI.

Create teleport-values.yaml file

For this to work, set the clusterName and the acmeEmail to suit the environment. Review the default helm values file for more information.

chartMode: standalone
clusterName:  # replace with the preferred domain name
  enabled: false
acme: true
acmeEmail: ""  # acmeEmail is the email address to provide during certificate registration (this is a Let's Encrypt requirement)
        severity: "INFO"
        type: postgresql
        conn_string: postgres://teleport:secrete@teleport-db-primary.teleport-cluster.svc.cluster.local:5432/teleport_backend?sslmode=verify-ca&pool_max_conns=20
        # Uses the S3 API provided by OpenStack Flex Object Storage and the bucket created earlier
        audit_sessions_uri: "s3://teleport-audit?disablesse=true"
        ttl_job_cron: '*/20 * * * *'
    - name: db-certs
        secretName: teleport-db-cluster-cert
    - name: aws-creds
        secretName: aws-credentials
    - name: db-certs
      mountPath: /root/.postgresql
      readOnly: true
    - name: aws-creds
      mountPath: /root/.aws
      readOnly: true
      value: /root/.postgresql/ca.crt

Be sure to replace the database connection string with the correct connection string for the environment, with the correct username and password defined in the DB setup.

Deploy the Teleport Cluster

Run the helm install command to deploy the Teleport cluster.

helm upgrade --install teleport-cluster teleport/teleport-cluster \
     --create-namespace \
     --namespace=teleport-cluster \
     --version 16.4.6 \
     -f ~/teleport-values.yaml

Validate the teleport cluster deployment.

kubectl --namespace teleport-cluster get services/teleport-cluster

Create a Teleport Member


kind: role
version: v7
  name: member
    kubernetes_groups: ["system:masters"]
      '*': '*'
      - kind: '*'
        namespace: '*'
        name: '*'
        verbs: ['*']
kubectl --namespace teleport-cluster exec -i deployment/teleport-cluster-auth -- tctl create -f < teleport-member.yaml

Create a Teleport User

Remember to replace YourUser with the desired username

kubectl exec -ti deployment/teleport-cluster-auth -- tctl users add YourUser --roles=member,access,editor

The teleport service will use the loadbalancer type and assign an EXTERNAL-IP via metallb.

kubectl --namespace teleport-cluster get services/teleport-cluster

Teleport service output

NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)                                                                     AGE
teleport-cluster   LoadBalancer        443:32567/TCP,3023:30573/TCP,3026:31708/TCP,3024:31129/TCP,3036:30414/TCP   86m


If the value is <pending> additional address pairs may be needed for the worker nodes. Refer to the Running MetalLB on OpenStack Flex guide to add additional allowed address pairs.

Allowed Address Pairs

If the MetalLB environment is already configured with an allowed address pair, the IP address or port may need to be adjusted to match the expected port security or security group settings used for Teleport.

Validate the IP address port settings, and make appropriate changes.

# ip-address is using the value of EXTERNAL-IP
openstack --os-cloud default port list --fixed-ip ip-address=


| ID                                   | Name          | MAC Address       | Fixed IP Addresses                                                        | Status |
| bb2b010f-e792-4def-9350-e7a3944daee3 | metallb-vip-0 | fa:16:3e:85:16:9e | ip_address='', subnet_id='b4448aa6-bb7d-4e01-86c1-80e589d3fb92' | DOWN   |

Run the show command to get the port details.

openstack --os-cloud default port show bb2b010f-e792-4def-9350-e7a3944daee3

If port security is true and the port security groups are not set appropriately, the security group settings may need to be adjusted

openstack --os-cloud default port set --security-group teleport-secgroup bb2b010f-e792-4def-9350-e7a3944daee3

Associate a Floating IP

If the IP address is not assigned to the port, and the Teleport Cluster will be accessed over the internet, associate a floating IP to the port.

openstack --os-cloud default floating ip create --port bb2b010f-e792-4def-9350-e7a3944daee3 PUBLICNET

Retrieve and validate the floating IP address is associated with the port.

PUBLIC_VIP=(openstack --os-cloud rxt-sjc-mine-flex floating ip list --fixed-ip -f value -c "Floating IP Address")

DNS Setup

A domain which will serve as the Teleport endpoint is needed. This guide assumes that record is however, this value should be replaced with an actual domain.

At this time, DNS will need to be managed outside of OpenStack Flex.

The DNS record should point to the public IP address

The ${PUBLIC_VIP} is a placeholder for the public IP address defined in the previous step.

;; A     Records   1 IN  A      ${PUBLIC_VIP}

;; CNAME Records

Access the Teleport Environment

tsh login --user=YourUser

In a browser, navigate to to access the Teleport web interface.



In this guide, we have walked through deploying Teleport on an OpenStack Flex environment where Talos is running. We installed the Teleport software, and configured the service to run on the cluster. This setup allows us to access the Teleport web interface, create new users and roles, and manage access to the instance. The intent of this guide is to provide a simple example of how to deploy Teleport on an OpenStack Flex via Kubernetes and highlight the flexibility of the environment. For more information on Teleport and running Teleport Agents, please refer to the Teleport documentation.