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Getting Started with Blogging

Are you wanting to contribute to the blog? This simple guide is just a quick "getting started" guide on creating a new blog post.

Add yourself as an Author

To add yourself as an author simple add an entry for yourself in the docs/blog/.authors.yml file. The entry should consist of the following:

New author

    name: __ENTER_YOUR_NAME__  # Rquired
    description: __SIMPLE_DESCRIPTION__  # Rquired
    avatar:  # Rquired
    github: __GITHUB_USERNAME__  # Rquired
    twitter: __TWITTER_USERNAME__  # Optional
    linkedin: __LINKEDIN_USERNAME__  # Optional
    website: __WEBSITE_IF_YOU_HAVE_ONE__  # Optional


All options with a double underscore need to be replaced with your relevant information.

If you do not wish to have attribution you may skip this step.

Create your post

All posts should be written in markdown format. We're using mkdocs for our platform which has a lot of plugins available to it. Basically we're supporting code, codeblocks, and mermaid diagrams; however, as you get started with writting, if there's a plugin you'd like to use, send us a pull request to get it added.

Create a new file

  1. Add your file to the docs/blog/posts directory.
  2. The file format should have the date within it and a string.


    The formatting should follow a year, month, day, and a string:

Post heading

The top of the article should have the following heading. This heading is what sets the creation date and applies the appropriate attribution.

Minimal post header

date: YYYY-MM-DD


If you are not interested in attribution, set the entry for "authors" to rackerlabs.

Blog post headers can be extended to provide readers a lot of information at a glance

Complete post header

title: __title_string__
date: YYYY-MM-DD
slug: __slug_string__
description: __description_string__
  - __category_string__

It is highly recommended that you add some categories to your post. If no category comes to mind, use the General category.

Post body

While the formatting of the blog post itself is up to you, we would highly recommend adding the page break after the opening paragraph to the post.

Post synopsis

Example opening paragraph

<!-- more -->

Content body...

Using this option will create a synopsis for our main page, allowing more articles to be seen at a glance.